Saturday, May 17, 2008

How to Stop Beta Fish from Fighting!

Why do Beta Fish Fight?

Beta fish oppose to protect their territorial dominion, to insure that they hold sufficiency of intellectual nourishment, and as well as they desire to live emperor when it arrives time for them to spawn. This is familial traits, and you will not be capable to train your fish not to battle.

Once you hold two male Beta fish in the tank, they'll “flair” up at one another – (this implies they puff out, bursting out their fins and gill makings, to establish themselves to appear larger and more forbidding.) Frequently one fish will acknowledge defeat and swim off, leaving behind the other male victorious.

Once people began keeping back and fighting Betta fish, aggressiveness personified into them, just across the last some years, this trait has led off of their breeds.

To the highest degree of the time, male Betas will only lash out additional males. Nevertheless it is not completely unknown for a male Betta fish to lash out a newly female or one that he feels endangered aside, so it is always a beneficial idea to observe your Betta fish as you first acquaint a different fish into the tank, or if you are assigning your Betta in with an other fish.

Occasionally more pushing Betta fish will nip or bite the additional fish. Therefore whenever you come across this encountering, take out the pushy one at once to deflect harms.

How to hold back Your Betta Fish from Fighting:

On that point there actually is alone one way – do not arrange two male Betas in the same tank. If you only have one tank and two male Betas, you consume a few alternatives – the first is to apply a “fish condominium”.

Fish condominiums: These are clear plastic containers with air pockets that allow the tank H2O current through it. Depending upon the sizing of your tank, you perhaps may be able to fit in a two, three or four space condominium. Each Betta fish consumes his own place, and you are able to abide visual barriers so much as plants or java moss and so that he can’t see the additional Betta.

You can also arrange a individual mesh splitter in one segment of your tank that will keep your male Betta fish broken up from the others.
The Betta Fish Blog